Friday, April 2, 2010

Run-Vijay, Run.

   Freedom is virtual. To a sound mind, this may sound strange. But again, a sound mind is only a prejudiced one in disguise. We exist in a world where freedom exists only in our thoughts. Where our choices are barely even ours. Where the difference between what we do and what we would want to do has reached heights so dizzying, that we have probably forgotten what we really wanted in the first place. Where Freedom of Thought is a luxury at hand but is hardly ever opted for. Where we do not have the right to decide what we would want to do with our lives without the consent of authorities, righteous men and parents who would take pleasure in dictating to us the terms of a life which isn't theirs. What is worse is the realisation that the righteous men upon whom the society bestows the right to declare what is morally correct or incorrect and are entrusted with showing the society the 'right' path have been shown the path themselves by other righteous men who were in turn shown the path to be taken by other righteous men..."Robots building robots to build a society". 
   In the whole process of transition of knowledge about Godliness and Ideals, Ethics and similar poop, people forgot to consider the difference between men who were self-righteous and men who were virtuous. People gave up on thinking with an open mind for the sake of bringing about Order in the society. Even today, people would rather retreat into traditions and orthodoxy than allow a state with absolute free will, i believe.
   We live in a country where the people are made to believe that the nation is on the threshold of becoming a super-power and is on it's way to becoming a dominant force in the world while the economic misery and social urgencies in the nation are more than apparent. They are in our faces. A major chunk of the age-distribution pyramid is occupied by the youth of the country. Youth, which is unaware of the importance of thinking critical. Youth, which wastes the most formative days of it's existence dazed by the glamour of the movies, the popularity of it's pop icons and the fame surrounding the millionaire football players. More intriguingly, youth which submits to the commands of an unworthy social structure.
   I can not stand the sight of a teenager who when asked what his dream job would be describes it as, "Dude, being a VJ at MTv would be awesome!" This, MTv generation as the group of retards is referred to is the best example of a single-lane, one-way traffic kind of stream of thought. The youth is actually taught to think in a way MTv wants them to think. These guys, as i see it, want two things- Easy fame and to be the easy money. The country has reached such a stage of cerebral degradation where MTv takes upon itself to give the youth a target personality in the sense that the teenagers are expected to ape the behaviour of this 'model personality'. What's more is, it actually works. For the youth, it then becomes imperative to do whatever their 'icon' does- wear similar clothes, adopt a similar hairdo, speak in a similar manner, even aim to land that job he has. And why work so hard? Because the higher the level of accuracy of your mirror image, the more likely you are to become a social success.
   This make believe system of social acceptance works in perfect harmony as almost everybody adheres to the same set of rules, aims at being the same person and is a by-product of the same cycle of social-constructivism. The relationship between MTv and the masses is thus symbiotic. Mtv needs dumbfucks to earn their profits. The dumbfucks need Mtv to tell them what to do. Mtv defines stylish clothes, it defines good music and also, upto an extent, defines the best body-type for young men and women which is most usually the unnatural anorexic kind.
   "But as my Algebra professor always reminded me, "Always account for variable change."" And herein lies the one loophole in this seemingly perfect system. Every once in a while, a young mind is bound to go astray. In the quest for an alternative option, an alternative set of rules, an alternative way of life. Music which is unheard of by most, literature which is beyond the comprehension of many, a general appreciation for all forms of Art is how the quest usually begins. And with the passage of time, the young mind brings about the formation of a counterculture, rejecting the basic format of a society, challenging the need for any rules whatsoever. This generation is bound to someday, usher in a new era- a revolution, a movement for change. It is bound to abide by just one rule- that of free will. For what we really need is not a change in the system, but a change in thought. A change in perception. What we need, is to Protest The Hero.
Now playing- Slipping into Coma (Raised Fist)
It's time to realize that our stay on this planet is just temporary.
Everyday we come closer to the end by bursting out in rivalry.
The tension, anger and anxiety puts a mental mark on us, don't you agree?
When we look up in the sky, 
Standing on our knees begging that the documentaries
On Discovery are just fucking lies on the TV screen.

People tell me to be less pessimistic, 
But I'm just trying real hard to be realistic.
I feel my anger rise as I'm witnessing
That people are slipping into coma.

People are spending dollars on water tapped in fancy bottles.
And don't you agree?
The gesture is not so much an act of stupidity.
It 's just a sign of our destructive mentality.
When we look into the pacific sea, 
And find a continent of plastic so unreal.
We know how to shrug it off our shoulders, 
What a fucking valuable ability.
Indeed the human race made it's mark, soon this will be over.
All of this provoked me into writing this piece, 
We must be slipping into a coma.

P.S.-Seema, i hope you get what i meant. And also, MTv is just a metaphor. What i am referring to is a whole scheme of factors and not just one music channel.
P.P.S- Also, i take offence when someone calls me a chauvinist. So you better stop doing that.
P.P.P.S- The write-up is kinda haphazard. But i couldn't care less. I just wanted to put my point through. I hope the purpose has been met. 

More later.

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