Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Am Azad.

 Yes, Happy Independence Day to all of you suckers who choose to be fooled over being informed and questioning. To you, living a lie being fed to you by television is an easier escape route and the problem is you don't even know it. And you don't bother to know. You degenerate, rotten scum of a human... Me? Well, 'the struggle to free myself of constraints, becomes my very shackles'. (Yes, that was Meshuggah, but i can relate.) Today, I'm posting here after quite a while, a year older, a year wiser. Because today, is quite a special day, ain't it?

 People are weird. They are also pretty stupid. But more importantly, weird. A man with a park bench in his living room, stolen(?) in the middle of the night to provide for fancy seating at home, must be a whole new type of weird, one would say. But the man is probably the most awesome guy i've ever met. Bald, kind and naive upto an extent while within, functioned the brain of a genius. Curious, Observant, Rampant. Colourful, Creative, Chaotic. Yet, all i knew of the man was his address and a rather interesting alias. Iam Azad.

 And Azad he was. Azad from societal expectations and boundaries, from the circles of pointless routines, from the system of make-believe needs and force-fed thought. He wrote. Therefore he was. I have met him only twice. Nor have i spoken to him for more than a few minutes. And yet, what i owe Azad, is way too much to sound believable. Starting from the name of this very blog, to the sight which brought me to the point of looking beyond the realms of the redundancy of my own pathetic life. From him i learn the most valuable lesson- to never regret being a wannabe, to never shy away from being a noob, to question, and not care for what anyone may say.

 To the bald guy who is just as kind through the toughest of times as he is in the happiest, i want to say- Yes Azad, we do live to fight another day. And to you, i express my gratitude for having taught me the right way of holding a glass of 'cutting'.

 Perhaps it's true that things can change in a day. That a few dozen hours can affect the outcomes of whole lifetimes. And that when they do, those few dozen hours must be preserved. Accounted for. 

P.S.- Azad said, "I'm glad you chose sideflipthe. Somehow, people don't really get the true power of it. Too subtle, i guess."